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Chabrouh dam (Shabrouh)

The name is of Aramaic origin and can be taken to mean “to emigrate, to depart, to leave”. It is a region which hikers, picnickers, shepherds and researchers have long wandered over, and we ourselves when young used to go there to gather wild thyme, fossils in stones, and medicinal herbs for infusions, these herbs being put aside for the winter. Indeed it may be said that in summer we ranged over all North Kesserewan, for nearly every day we would go off on excursions and picnics that often involved long tramps towards various sources of water: to the riverlet of Nabeh el-Laban at Shabrouh three miles northeast of Farayah; or, eastwards to the spring El-Assal, the Honey; or southeast to Kfardebian; or south to Hrajel and Meyrouba; or westward to the beautiful area of Wata el-Jaouz and Nabeh el-Hadeed. Even within Faraya one could find abundant springs and streams and waterfalls.

Shabrouh was a stretch of rocky mountain wilderness twenty-five miles from Beirut and three from Faraya, where during the nineteen-forties there were always flocks of goats grazing on the coarse vegetation.

Since then there has been steady change. The Ministry of Energy, Electricity and Water Resources has planned the construction of several dams, including that of Shabrouh, in order to make use of the water that was wasted and simply ran down to the sea. The population all around has greatly increased and so have the requirements of water and electricity. The dam and associated projects are intended to meet these demands until the year 2025. Details of the Shabrouh Dam are as follows:

-It retains 8 million cubic meters of water.
-It takes water from Nabeh el-Laban during the winter thaw.
-The drinking-water plant has a daily capacity of 60,000 cubic meters.
-The dam itself is made of bituminous concrete implanted into the rock and has a surface area of 34,000 sq. meters.
-The water is evacuated through a circular well 52 meters high and capable of evacuating 180 meters3 per sec.

Most of the water content comes from Nabeh el-Laban, which is twenty-one meters above the normal level of the dam. Everything is planned in a way to ensure steady replacement of the water outflow.

A conduit with a diameter of 80 centimeters allows a flow of 0.7 meters3per sec. from Nabeh el-Assal. Another channel provides water for irrigation. The basin is fed 2.5 cubic meters of water per second from Wadi Shabrouh and 5.5 cubic meters per second from Nabeh el-Assal. A further flow of two cubic meters per sec. can be arranged. The planning and execution of the dam have taken the environmental norms into consideration. The dam as a whole is an outstanding achievement and provides water for the two districts of Kesserewan-Ftouh and Metn. Following its completion the dam has become a tourist attraction, drawing sightseers by the thousand to Shabrouh and the region of Upper Kesserewan.

Joseph Matar - Translation from the French: Kenneth J. Mortimer

- Chabrouh dam: >> View Movie << (2015-02-01)



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